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Business in the Front….Party in the Back!

Yesterday afternoon I was driving home from work and I passed this guy doing yard work with the best mullet ever.  I’m not a fan of mullets in the instance of my own friends or family, but strangers?  Bring it on, they are so classic and entertaining and honestly, a good mullet will never get old.  I am only exhibiting male-mullets today, Shemullets (she-mullets) I will save for another day.  In my opinion, the only thing better than a man with a mullet is a man with a mullet, cut off jean shorts and likely a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.  If that doesn’t scream class, I don’t know what to tell you.  Here’s a few famous ones, a few adolescent ones and few that are just beyond words.

Heres a couple of Famous Mullets:

Everyone’s Favorite Uncle, Uncle Jesse!!  Not only did he sport the mullet, but he was OVERLY joyous and proud of his lustrous locks on the hit TV show Full House

Jaromir Jagr:  Jaromir Jagr, of the Pittsburgh Penguins rocked this hair for years, but in his case its a bit more acceptable considering that he was playing ice hockey and may need the extra hair for warmth.

AC Slater: Only the coolest guy (along side with zack morris) at Bayside High!

The Baby Mullet: I lovvvee the baby mullet, the kid is still young enough that they don’t struggle when they realize what is going on with their head, and a funny haircut is always cute on a little nugget. Also, they are young enough that they wont get attached to the style and when it gets old, you can cut it off and make them normal once again.

Child Mullet:  There’s 2 kinds of child mullets….

Kid Mullet:  this is the first.  This kid doesnt look thrilled about his mully or fades, but his mom is probably trying to hold him back and wants him to still be the baby so she keeps giving him this ridiculous hair because she thinks its cute.  Unfortunately this mother is setting her child up to do bad things in his life…

Then There’s the 2nd kind of kid mullet- This kid…This kid is entirely too happy and is probably already having pedifile thoughts.

Then we have a classic here:

Classic Mull:  No shirt, leaning against a pickup truck with a piece of grass hanging out of his mouth.  I can almost guarantee that he has cut off jean shorts on.

Finally, the best one of life.

The “Ultimullet”  Seriously, this take planning, and persistence, and I’m sure a lot of strength, to say the least.Honestly, i just don’t have much more to say about this!